News & Events

42nd Annual Convocation


The 42nd Annual Convocation for the Academic year 2011-12 of Xavier Institute of Communications was held on April 27, 2012 in the first quadrangle of St. Xavier’s College Campus at 6.30 p.m.

Fr. Lawrence Ferrao SJ, Director of XIC welcomed the gathering audience, which included students, their parents, friends, faculty, course heads and staff of XIC. The Chief Guest for the evening was Carol Andrade, Editor of Afternoon Despatch and Courier, and the The Guest of Honour was Mr. Agnello Dias, Chairman and Co-founder of Taproot India, Mumbai.

The Compere for the evening were staff members of XIC, Sandra Kaushik Rana and Romeo Monteiro, and students from Public Relations & Corp. Comm.,. Nisha Idicula and Chandy Thomas.

Dr. Jehangir B. Mistry, Board Member of XIC highlighted the reviews of the Academic year 2011-12, which was followed by screening of the year that was. Students of all courses gave a short presentation about their experiences at XIC during the academic year. Special individual and group awards for outstanding performance (see pictures below for more details) and Diplomas were awarded to all the successful students of Post-graduation in Mass Communication.

Fr. Lawrence Ferrao, gave special vote of thanks, and felicitated the outgoing Dean, Course Head, Journalism, Ms. Jane Swamy and the Library staff, Mr. Ashok Bane for their long association with XIC.

The Convocation Ceremony ended by Fr. Lawrence Ferrao, SJ Director giving the vote of thanks followed by singing of the XIC Anthem.