Journalism & Media Convergence

Course Head: Yogesh Kamdar

Assistant Course Head: Ms. Sandra Vaz

Course content subject to change

Express Interest

Course Outline

The Journalism Course is a 11 months full-time, Post-graduate Diploma Programme providing instruction in the role and function of journalism and mass communication. It examines the principles, practice, and responsibility of journalisticreportage and the convergence of print, broadcast, and online journalism in the era of the New Media.

The journalism course is a study-programme of proven excellence. It combines creation as well as dissemination of knowledge, imparting the requisite skills and context with practical projects including in-class assignments. The course equips and enables the students to have diverse skills and perform tasks in journalism, mass communication and social interactions.

The course comprises 23 Modules and 4 Workshops. The total of 505 Sessions (101 credits) makes a student eligible for the Diploma. The Credits for the Workshops are evaluated based on attendance and/or assignments. In addition, there are sessions for value-added inputs and hands-on learning.

Minimum 75% attendance is mandatory for every Module. The attendance is taken into consideration while grading. Grades will be downgraded from the performance based credits.

Course Fees

Tution Fees 3,59,000
CSGT 9% 32,310
SGST 9% 32,310
Registration Fees 2,500
CSGT 9% 225
SGST 9% 225
Library Deposit 2,500
Total Fees 4,29,070


Anyone holding a graduate degree in Arts, Science, Mass Media, Commerce or any professional course etc. (Students, awaiting their graduation results, should submit a photocopy of the final year mark sheet of Second Semester to the Administration Office) failing which they will not be eligible for the XIC Diploma). There is an on-line entrance test followed by personal interview.

Class Timings

The course is conducted over weekdays - Monday to Saturday (9.00am - 8.30 pm), with three to four sessions daily. Workshops and Seminars are usually scheduled for Saturdays. Grades will be downgraded from the performance based credits.

Career Opportunities

XIC Students have been highly sought after by the Mass Media organizations due to their all-round training and exposure. XIC alumni are well placed in the Newsrooms, Television & Radio, Social Media firms, Non-Profit Organizations, NGOs, Government organizations and the Corporate Sector. Our students are well prepared for taking up various roles in the Mass Media organizations such as Print & Television, Social Media firms, Development Sector, Government organizations, Public Policy institutions, Start Ups, NGOs and the Corporate Sector.

Course Outline

All modules in this course are obligatory.
The Management reserves the right, as and when necessary, to change the syllabus without prior notice.

Learning Track 1:
Core Concepts
  • Basic communication theories in Mass Media and News
  • Media Environment in India and Worldwide
  • Role of Media: Society, Regulation and Public Affairs
Learning Track 2:
Core Skills
  • News Reporting
  • Writing - Features, Opinions, Editorials, Critique & Reviews
  • Editing
  • Production - Print & Digital
  • Specialized Journalism - Business, Sports, Entertainment, Civic, Crime, Lifestyle, Health and others
  • News Analysis
Learning Track 3:
New Age Concepts & Skills
  • Introduction to emerging Digital Technologies(AI, AR, VR, Metaverse) and their applications in Media
  • Research & Data Analytics driven Journalism
  • Data Visualization & Design
  • Digital Content writing for online journalism, News Apps & Social Media
  • Web sites, Intranet Portals and other Internet information properties
Learning Track 4:
Multi-Platform Journalism
  • Broadcast Journalism: TV / Radio
  • Photo Journalism
Learning Track 5:
Immersive Learning, Case Development-cum- Dissertation
  • Executive Presence & Gravitas
  • Referral Knowledge
  • Industry Engagement
  • Story Telling
  • Cognitive & Design Thinking
  • Project / Case Development-cum-Dissertation
  • Film Making
Total: 505 Sessions

For further information
on Post-graduate Diploma Courses,
please contact us